
A Premier Marketing Firm

About Shen Solutions

Lets face it, times have changed. Many of the past forms of marketing just aren't as effective anymore. In today's new age of technology, marketing campaigns require an innovative way of impacting potential customers. At Shen Solutions Inc., we have developed successful marketing campaigns that can reach your ideal customers where it matters most.

Typically, companies will utilize an in-house, internal marketing team, or train an entire sales force to generate revenue. By outsourcing these responsibilities to Shen Solutions Inc., we can provide a more effective and tangible result for our clients. We provide an event-based sales and marketing strategy campaign, which introduces corporate promotions in local markets to generate new customer acquisitions.

Our award-winning clients range from leading consumer electronics and telecommunications companies, to the worlds premier satellite TV service. Our success is directly attributed to our solid relationships between company and customer. With representatives nationally, our one-on-one approach allows us to get personal with our clients’ customers.




A form of communication in marketing used to generate increased consumption of products or services to customers.

Customer Service

A series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. Can also include the feeling that a product or service has met the customer’s expectation.

Customer Acquisitions

Considered the connectivity between advertising and customer relationship. This critical connectivity facilitates the acquisition of targeted customers in an effective fashion.

Brand Management

The analysis and planning on how a brand is positioned in the market. Developing a good relationship with target public is essential for brand management.

Customer Retention

The frequency at which a customer chooses a particular brand over others. Also known as a repeat customer. Customer Retention is determined primarily by the Marketing and Customer Service received by the individual.


Communicating the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling the product or service. It is a critical business function for attracting customers.


At Shen Solutions Inc. we believe in 100% Promotion from within meaning everyone starts from the same spot. Each one of our managers have been training in all aspects of the company creating a solid base and the foundation for our growth.

Inside Shen Solutions

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